
So, I had some pretty cool friends growing up. Most of them were cousins, though some were unrelated to me. Regardless, each and every one of them were pretty exceptional kids and are now some amazing young adults. I’m honestly proud to have grown up with them.

However, I remember an experience with some kids who weren’t like my friends. I believe I was around six or seven years old when I went to play with some newer friends, in a group of kids all around my age or a little bit older. I have to preface this story, though, by sharing the knowledge that I was pretty sensitive as a child and I didn’t handle new situations very well. So bear that in mind.

I don’t think it was long after we had arrived at their house, and we started trying to decide what to do. If memory serves me correctly, the group consisted of two older girls kind of taking charge to decide what we should play, one of the girls younger brother, and then me and my friend.

Somehow or another, the conversation devolved into an argument that was not much more than “Girls rule and boys drool” sort of talk back and forth. I know this maybe sounds pretty average, but for six year old me, I was confused. It bewildered me, because  I didn’t think I was “dumb” for being a boy or that girls were “gross”. Why can’t we just play something?

After being taken to these strangers house to play with kids I only half know and then being confronted with this conflict, I broke. I ran away and hid crying until the others found me and got my mom.

Later in my childhood I experienced more of this and after getting called a few names, I honestly became a little bit scared of girls. But regardless, I still played with them the same as the boys.

This is something I always thought stayed in elementary school, though. I mean, adults are much older and wiser, certainly they don’t treat others negatively just for being associated with a specific gender?

After hearing joke after joke about how women are just oh so confusing to men and how men have jelly brains incapable of empathy for their own wives, it dawned on me: it never stopped.

These adults are just as immature as eight year old kids, pouting and shouting out names in the frustration of being misunderstood. And just like kids, neither person is trying to understand the other. They just want to play the game that they want.

Some of you will say these jokes are harmless, but there is almost always a hint of truth all sarcasm.  For you to say it, you had to perceive it, and it shows something deeper.

By perpetuating those cliches we’re furthering ourselves from truly understanding one another.

They say these things over and over and swear I’ll understand what they mean when I’m married, but I’ll risk sounding arrogant to say: I never will understand it. Because I will always strive to cherish my wife for the jewel that she is, and I can only hope she’ll love and honor me the same.

The Value of Self-Esteem (or lack thereof)

Around age thirteen, I became overly self-conscious.  I’ve never been bullied, made fun of, or put down in away really. I had friends who were kind to me. But I still felt like the biggest loser whenever I stepped outside of my room.  For whatever reason this came over me, I’m not aware.

My parents hypothesized that I had some sensory issues as a child, which would explain my explicit fear of crowds (as well as anything loud.)  It would explain the terror I’ve always felt walking into a room full of people, feeling like all eyes are on me.

Mixing my low self-esteem with a general fear of people and you’ve got a batch of “The Worst Party Guest Ever”.

The hardest part, however, is being fully aware of these issues yet feeling incapable of changing. I’ve seen kind people attempt to reach my socially-awkward self, but as soon as I start scrambling for words I see the discomfort come upon them. I can almost hear their thoughts as I see them searching for an escape-hatch from the conversation.

As a result, the prospect of a rich and meaningful social life feels all the more mysterious, all the more attractive, and all the more unobtainable.

Despite these issues, I feel I understand people. I see what they do and know why they do it.  Which is why I see that the people who are truly friendly and kind to others don’t care about their self-esteem. In fact, they often sacrifice their own self-esteem for the sake of others. People who are confident are not necessarily confident in themselves, but rather in the idea that they can help others.

It doesn’t matter how much I “learn to love myself” or try to improve my own self-esteem.  As long as I’m focused on myself I will never be able to help others.

Falling for Fall


It sounds cheesy, but I’ve always felt like Autumn was probably the most romantic season, as well as the most relaxing.  Especially in early fall, when the busy holiday season hasn’t hit yet, you can just enjoy the crisp breeze and the beautiful leaves…

And then you remember it’s because they’re all dying.


I’ve never liked spooky stuff, so I don’t get the Halloween hype. But things like the shades of orange-ish  brown and other symbols of harvest (Like scarecrows) feel pretty classy, and I guess I like that.


This has nothing to do with fall. It’s super bright and green. It’s just here to add some volume to the post. It’s also 83 degrees Fahrenheit as of writing this.

Well, I guess everybody’s probably busy stocking up on Pumpkin Spice stuff, so…

See ya around! *rides away on a scooter*

What is She Pointing To?


No. I do not know what she’s pointing at.  And that’s an interesting thing with art, is that you can communicate an emotion or action without much (or any) context. But it’s pretty obvious, she’s pointing and trying show someone else something.


Sometimes it doesn’t even communicate a story, but just presents something appealing.


Art can also visually give information, such as showing that a character prefers a certain sport.  The role artwork can play varies a little bit from scene to scene and piece to piece.


So that’s my unsolicited opinion for the day.

Peace, brothers and sisters! *Drives away in Hippie Van*



Productivity (Or Lack Thereof)


I don’t exactly have much to show this week, as I’ve not really been working on anything besides further refining my portfolio. I’ve got some opportunities for future work, but at the moment I’ve nothing besides my personal projects to work on.


On a more personal note,  a lot has happened in life recently. So much, in fact, that it’s all kind of blurred. Time that has passed feels a little irrelevant to me right now,  like every day/month/year before this one was another life time.

I have to wonder: what memories will be relevant to me when this time in my life becomes more distant to me?


*Melts into a puddle of Philosophical thoughts*


It’s Been a Week

Hello, and welcome to the blog with the most literal titles possible.

I has been a week since I last posted, and I thought I’d share about my past week of artwork.


Probably the most exciting thing was finishing up the last drawings for a children’s book I was hired to illustrate!  This was my favorite out of the whole project, and arguably the one I spent the most time on.  It’s the first time I’ve ever gotten to work on something like this, and I really hope to work on something like it again soon.


In between working on book illustrations, I drew some fan art of some of The Loud House characters.  I watched a lot of that show while working…


That about sums ups my past week’s worth of art.

Catch ya later! *Skateboards away*

It’s a Blog!

Hello hello, my dear friends!

I’m so excited to finally have a full fledged website! It’s pretty crazy, am I right?  I mean, in just a few simple pages I can share my art and show a little about myself with anyone from anywhere!

But, I do have to question: Why would anyone care about reading MY blog? It’s not like there aren’t 3 million other blogs just like it out there. I guess, the only way I can answer my question is by trying to offer something that no one else can!

Hopefully, that will be my artwork. I’m by no means the best, or even good for that matter, but I’ll try my best to make the best artwork I can, and hopefully add to someone’s project in a way no else can.

So, with all that said, maybe I should quit talking and just show some artwork from my week.


This is only bit I can show right now, and it’s just some fan art of The Loud House character Luan Loud.  She’s my favorite character because, well, I’m a sucker for bad jokes/puns…

Maybe soon I can share more, but for now I’ll be back here next week.

Gotta blast! *rocket launching noises*